Our little boy is a total stud.
He desperately wants a motorcycle and/or four-wheeler. Im pretty sure if I asked him to trade in everything he owns for a single day with one of those machines --- he'd do it.
This is not the reason I think he's such a stud. Let me see if I can explain ...
We told him we'd match him dollar for dollar in his efforts to save for a machine of some sort. He seemed ok with that until he realized that his allowance wasn't adding up very quickly. (In all fairness, his allowance would probably add up much more quickly if he actually received an allowance.)
He told me he wanted a job. We brainstormed for a while about what his job could be but he wasn't gung ho about any of them.
So I offered to sell him one of my businesses. He seemes intruiged.
Last summer I signed up to sell Mia Bella candles. I haven't done a dang thing with it. MLM's have never been my strong suit. I've signed up for everything under the moon and have never made a go with a single one of them. It's just not my bag.
But Mia Bella (Scent-Sations) is a great company. Awesome product, great pay structure, and almost zero commitment involved to stay active.
At any rate, I made him a smoking deal on it --- I told him he could own his own business for $25.
Now before you tell me how ridiculous that is, let me explain my rationale.
Nothing in this life is free & I want him to know that. $25 is s huge amount of money to a seven year old & it will take him a while to pay it off. But, once it IS paid off, he'll feel a tremendous sense of accompolishment and ownership & THAT is what I want for him.
Basically, he owes me $1 for each of the first 25 candles he sells. Easy peasy.
He also has to do the work.
Oh - I help him with his website & things of that nature --- but he has to return phone calls and emails. He has to make the deliveries, and he has to send a hand written thank you with each order that comes in.
In return, I deposit his check that comes each month into his savings account.
The original deal was that he could use HALF of his money to put otwards a machine & the other half had to stay in savings.
But then ....
(this is where the studliness comes in)
... he came home yesterday and told me he wanted to do something nice for the animals.
"Mama, there are so many animals who don't have homes. I want to help them. I want to give them my candle money so they can have food and a house."
We talked at great length about what he wanted to do & eventually came up with this:
For every dollar he makes selling candles $0.50 will be donated to The Beartooth Humane Alliance.
The remaining $0.50 per dollar will be split between a Four Wheeler piggy bank and a savings account.
I don't expect him to make a million dollars --- and even if he never sells a single candle, I'm really proud of him for coming up with this on his own.
If you're on Facebook, you ought to give his page a look & a 'like'.
Otherwise, you can check out his website here.
If for no other reason, than just to give him a boost of confidence. His eyes light up when he sees he has new "friends" or when he reads the messages people leave for him.
And THIS is the story of why our little guy is such a stud. :)
Happy Friday ya'll.
3 months ago
That's too sweet :) Good luck to your little entrepreneur!!