Today I am 30w 6d pregnant. I had an appointment with my doc yesterday --- I love that man. Ha. Doc McCracken & nurse Shelly are seriously two of the best parts of being pregnant.
Anyhow, the appointment was fine. Nothing major happens at the 30 week mark. But from here on out we go once a week. Next week we'll get another ultrasound. I begged for another one of the "good" ultrasounds --- but I got shot down. Haha. Oh well. He is monitoring me, not the baby -- since baby is healthy & thriving so no need for a 3 or 4D ultrasound.
**EDIT: A few minutes after posting this I received a phone call from my doctor's office. It sounds like we get the "good" ultrasound afterall. Looking forward to posting pictures next week! :) /end edit ***
I'm actually healthy & thriving too. Haha. But modern medicine, being the miraculous system that it is, allows (at least in my case) the ability to determine whether or not I will have to have a C-section. I've got placenta previa & he is just watching to see if it corrects itself before I go into labor. Either way --- it's not too huge of a deal. (Although, my preference would be to avoid a C-section!) Plus, we love all the u/s pictures!
I've started to dialate so my appointments are weekly now. (2 cm) I'd like to make it to the 33 week mark at least--- so keep your fingers crossed! I have a gut instinct about February 19. I don't know why --- that's just the day I feel like she's going to come. Any takers on that bet? :)
I suppose that's all for now. I have a house to prepare for Isaac's birthday party & suitcases to pack for our trip this weekend. Details on that next week when I have a minute to post pictures. :)
Happy Thursday, all!
3 months ago
how exciting! Feb 19th will be here soon!!